ElkArte plug-ins

Files in OEmbed/ of tip

Files in directory /OEmbed from the latest check-in

OEmbed Support


This ElkArte add-on is released under the terms of the WTFPL. Take it and do with it what the fuck you want.

Parts of this add-on (mostly, the idea and the regular expressions) were ported from my blog software which is also licensed under the same terms.


Makes ElkArte support OEmbed, duh. Note that additional CSS is not a part of this add-on, but (e.g.) YouTube provides their own embedded stylesheets.


This add-on won't do anything unless your PHP installation has the curl extension enabled. By default, only JSON OEmbeds are recognized. If the xml extension is available, XML OEmbeds will be respected as well.


In case you absolutely want to make me richer, you can donate some money: PayPal.