Differences From Artifact [ab132a4429]:
- File src/unit1.pas — part of check-in [f45507d68a] at 2025-01-02 11:17:41 on branch trunk — [Bugfix] Preprocessors did not quite work as well as they should have. (user: Cthulhux, size: 19397) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
To Artifact [1dae5e3a18]:
- File src/unit1.pas — part of check-in [d5079b8b35] at 2025-01-02 11:20:13 on branch trunk — warning (user: Cthulhux, size: 19414) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
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404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 | 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 | + | MainStatusBar.Panels[1].Text := ''; BuildWindow := TBuildStatusWindow.Create(Application); BuildWindow.Show; // Build the parameters: buildOpts := 'groff'; preproc := ''; // - Macro: if LeftStr(cmbMacro.Text, 1) = 'm' then buildOpts := buildOpts + ' -' + cmbMacro.Text; // - Enforce UTF-8: buildOpts := buildOpts + ' -Kutf8'; |
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