@@ -138,11 +138,15 @@ {$IFDEF DARWIN} HTTPClient: TFPHttpClient; {$ENDIF} begin // What's the current running groff version? - if RunCommand('troff', ['--version'], GroffOutputVersion) then + {$IFDEF WINDOWS} + if RunCommand('cmd', ['/c', 'troff', '--version'], GroffOutputVersion) then + {$ELSE} + if RunCommand('/bin/sh', ['-c', 'troff', '--version'], GroffOutputVersion) then + {$ENDIF} begin edtGroffInstalledVersion.Text := GroffOutputVersion; if pos('GNU', GroffOutputVersion) = 0 then ShowMessage('groffstudio thinks that your installed version of troff is not GNU troff.' + LineEnding + 'If this is correct, you are advised to fix this before continuing.' + LineEnding +