Yet Another Youtube Down Loader

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  yaydl

Artifact [ae2f683147]

Artifact ae2f683147e41dc0c81fca25934cfb23ddc1c86841585466ac2f2f53f81fd0fa:

  • Executable file Cargo.toml — part of check-in [1e34f21ef5] at 2023-02-27 14:59:06 on branch trunk — yaydl 0.12.1: xhamster uses the agent as well ; simplified code (user: Cthulhux size: 755)

name = "yaydl"
description = "yet another youtube (and more) down loader"
version = "0.12.1"
authors = ["Cthulhux <>"]
edition = "2021"
license = "CDDL-1.0"
repository = ""
categories = ["command-line-utilities"]
keywords = ["youtube", "downloading", "video"]

anyhow = "1.0"
cienli = "0.3"
clap = { version = "3.2", features = ["derive"] }
env_proxy = "0.4"
fantoccini = "0.19"
indicatif = "0.16"
inventory = "0.1"
m3u8-rs = "4.0"
nom = "7.1"
regex = "1.6"
scraper = "0.13"
serde_json = "1.0"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["rt"] }
ureq = { version = "2.6", features = ["json", "socks-proxy"] }
url = "2.2"
urlencoding = "2.1"

lto = true
strip = true