yaydl is Yet Another Youtube Down Loader, written in Rust.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Yet Another Youtube (and more) Down Loader

Artifact [3182eafa41]

Artifact 3182eafa41051be7aa7343211e3b1aa2c1bde3ff2f984643d14c40b50dbb7e6c:

  • File CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md — part of check-in [ebb5df12f3] at 2022-07-28 01:52:38 on branch trunk — yaydl 0.11.1: getting rid of unsafe { }. (user: Cthulhux size: 2058) [more...]

# Code of Merit

1. The project creators, lead developers, and core team constitute
the managing members of the project. These members have final say in every
decision of the project, technical or otherwise, including overruling
previous decisions. There are no limitations to this power.

2. Contributions are an expected result of your membership on the project.
Do not expect others to do your work or help you with your work forever.

3. All members have the same opportunities to seek any challenge
within the project.

4. Authority or position in the project is proportional
to the accrued contribution. Seniority must be earned.

5. Software is evolutionary: better implementations shall supersede lesser
ones. Technical advantage is the primary metric.

6. Topics outside of the project
will not be tolerated. This is a space for technical excellence.

7. Nontechnical conflicts will be discussed in a separate space. Disruption
of the project will not be allowed.

8. Individual characteristics, including but not limited to
body, sex, sexual preferences, race, language, religion, nationality,
and political preferences are irrelevant to the scope of the project.
They will not be taken into account concerning your value or
your contribution to the project.

9. Discuss or debate the idea, not the person.

10. There is no room for ambiguity. Ambiguity will be met with questioning,
further ambiguity will be met with silence. It is the responsibility
of the originator to provide the requested context.

11. If something is illegal outside the scope of the project, it is illegal
within the scope of the project. This Code of Merit does not take precedence
over governing law.

12. This Code of Merit governs only the procedures of this project.
Activities or objectives outside the scope of this project are irrelevant.
Purposeful intent to deviate this project from its stated purpose
is reason for remedial action.

13. Participation on the project equates to agreement of this Code of Merit.

This document is the Code of Merit, version 1.0.