Help: test-comment-format
The "test-comment-format" command:
Usage: fossil test-comment-format ?OPTIONS? PREFIX TEXT ?ORIGTEXT?
Test comment formatting and printing. Use for testing only.
- --file
- The comment text is really just a file name to read it from
- --decode
- Decode the text using the same method used when handling the value of a C-card from a manifest.
- --legacy
- Use the legacy comment printing algorithm
- --trimcrlf
- Enable trimming of leading/trailing CR/LF
- --trimspace
- Enable trimming of leading/trailing spaces
- --wordbreak
- Attempt to break lines on word boundaries
- --origbreak
- Attempt to break when the original comment text is detected
- --indent
- Number of spaces to indent (default (-1) is to auto-detect). Zero means no indent.
- -W|--width NUM
- Width of lines (default (-1) is to auto-detect). Zero means no limit.