Files in the latest check-in sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2025-01-28 19:04:20.
.dotfilesLast ChangeSize
- aria2c4.17 years
- aria2.conf4.17 years51
- beets112.0 days
- config.yaml112.0 days1,561
- emacscurrent
- early-init.el91.8 days1,566
- init-elfeed.el79.1 days543
- init-erc.el29.8 days1,245
- init-gnus.el163.0 days595
- init-markdown.elcurrent868
- init-mu4e.el29.6 days2,588
- init-org.el184.6 days973
- init-treesitter.el112.0 days322
- init.elcurrent12,569
- README.md1.02 years318
- utilities.el1.31 years1,337
- powershell1.86 years
- Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps11.86 years1,012
- README.md3.13 years115
- rc70.7 days
- .rcrc70.7 days1,570
- readline1.50 years
- .inputrc1.50 years229
- README.md1.78 years119
- README.md76.7 days661
- tcsh1.31 years
- .cshrc1.31 years1,893
- README.md2.38 years235
- vim286.2 days
- README.md286.2 days266
- vimrc286.2 days1,419