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A Web-to-RSS parser in Common Lisp.

What does it do?

This software was written because a disappointing number of websites still does not have an RSS or Atom feed so I could subscribe to their updates, e.g. the KiTTY website. The script tries to find new articles on any website according to given criteria (CSS selectors) and parse them into a valid RSS feed so I can subscribe to them in my usual RSS feed reader.




Run a simple web interface on port 5000:

Cronjob or manual feed creation command:

Supported selectors are all valid CSS selectors. If you don't specify a ContentSelector when adding a new feed, rssparser.lisp will use an empty item body.


If you want to subscribe to the KiTTY website, you can either use the web interface or perform the following commands:

% ./rssparser.lisp add "KiTTY" "" ".news" "h1" ""

% ./rssparser.lisp parse

% ./rssparser.lisp list
1 feed is set up:

ID: 23  Title:        KiTTY
        Last success: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 17:54:18 +0200

By default, the KiTTY website feed will be stored as feeds/feed23.xml then.


You'll need the files from this repository and SBCL with Quicklisp set up. SQLite3 should be available. Also, you should create a folder where your feed files should be created (./feeds by default). Hard links are allowed.


Usually, Quicklisp should install the required packages for you. If you want to install them manually, rssparser.lisp currently requires these:

SQLite schema

The feeds.db file has the following schema:

  id integer primary key autoincrement,
  feedtitle text not null,
  url text not null,
  entryselector text not null,
  titleselector text not null,
  contentselector text not null,
  lastsuccess integer

CREATE TABLE entries (
  id integer primary key autoincrement,
  feedid integer,
  title text not null,
  contents blob,
  url text not null,
  timestamp integer

Exporting feeds into a new database

If you want to transfer one or more of your stored feeds into a new database, that's what the export command is for:

% ./rssparser.lisp export 23
Execute this SQL command to add this feed to a new database:
  INSERT INTO feeds ('feedtitle', 'url', 'entryselector', 'titleselector', 'contentselector') VALUES ('KiTTy', '', '.news', 'h1', '');


You can set a couple of parameters in the config.lisp file: